Friday, February 11, 2011

That midget got rocked...

Video after the jump

 There's two reasons why Mexican TV is better than most other countries: Insanely hot girls as TV hosts and their no holds bar destroying of little people in wrestling. That little guy went flying!

Now I don't know if the plan was for that guy to go flying head first into that other guy, but the aftermath of all that tells me no. And that lady towards the end of the video...   She's apparently cheering for the death of the little gorilla. Mexicans are hardcore.


  1. Omg this was awesome. I seriously doubt that most countries would allow this to be shown on TV,

  2. Haha every time I see this i laugh. I just saw it on AOTS this morning actually

  3. Rofl. Actually looks real as well unlike the faked American rubbish.

  4. haha, great, poor guy in the ape costume

  5. lmfao i feel so bad for that midget.

  6. fuck that midget had it coming didnt he.

  7. Niiiice. It's like he just slipped right through the ropes.

  8. lol..
    that mexican WWE looks so fake!!!
    poor midget!
