Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What's on Tonight? 2/16/2011

Justified: Last week was the premiere, and it was pretty damn good. It seems this season revolves around people growing pot instead of people cooking meth. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Season 3 is going to be about cocaine.

Modern Family: This week guest stars Matt Dillion, so it should be pretty funny. This week Lily has a princess-themed birthday party. So expect to see every princess/gay joke in the book. I'm just glad I found out that Haley, the oldest daughter, is 20 years old in real life. I don't feel so dirty anymore. (Hit the jump for some of her pics)

Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior (Series Premiere): *sigh*..  another crime drama spin off. This is what happens when the Nielsen Ratings Company only gives rating boxes to old people. Forest Whitaker stars in this series, so I guess that means him and his wonky eye can't get a decent movie role anymore.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Prepare to be Jealous of Complete Idiots

Seeing things like this really make me mad and jealous. I mean, I can act like a retarded juiced up, over bronzed muscle head but I won't get a dime from it. The cast from the Jersey Shore apparently makes more money in a month than I make in a year. 

Hell, Snooki makes more than President Obama. Yes, that's right, a girl that probably didn't graduate from High School makes more money than the leader of the United States of America. 

Below is a breakdown of the money making numbers of the Jersey Shore cast. (Developed by Online Schools. Full sized version here.)

Monday, February 14, 2011

What's on Tonight? Valentines Day!

Mad Love (Series Premiere): I think I'm gonna give this show a shot. Although I hate Jason Biggs, it has Sarah Chalke, who is all around hot and was great in Scrubs. And it has Judy Greer, who does the voice for Cheryl on "Archer". Hopefully Jason Biggs isn't his usual unfunny self.

Jeopardy!: I usually don't care about game shows, but this episode is where they prove the Terminator movies true. Humanity is doomed! Dooooooooooomed!! But, I for one welcome our robot overlords.

The Bachelor: I only mention this show today because it's a two hour special where the 6 remaining girls will be taking near naked photos of themselves for the new SI's Swimsuit Edition. I don't even know if that will get me to watch it.

Dog Show!: The 135th Annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show (mouthful there) is tonight on USA. I can never sit through these things, but my girlfriend loves them. I'd rather watch "When Dogs Attack 6: Daycare Center", but to each their own.

Best Grammy Report from Last Night

"Berry Berry Hevy Bertation Tonight"

You can replay this video over and over and still not figure out what she's trying to say. Serene Branson of LA’s CBS 2 News was rumored to have a stroke last night on the air at the Grammys, but it's still unconfirmed.

I almost feel bad repeatedly laughing at this. Hopefully she's okay and I can stop pretending to feel guilty about laughing.

Video after the jump...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bear Grylls Makes Friends with a Seal

Why Bear Grylls?? Why?? I know he's trying to "survive", but holy shit that's just brutal. And then he wears it...   poor little seal.

Friday, February 11, 2011

What's on Tonight? Weekend Edition!

Left or Right?

Fringe: I hate that this show was moved to Fridays, the so called Death Slot night. But, it's getting good ratings... except for last week when "Super Bowl’S GREATEST COMMERCIALS" beat it. Really America? Really? Oh, and we get to see Red Hair Olivia this week. Awesome.

An Idiot Abroad (Science Channel): This show came from the mind of Ricky Gervais and some other guy. It has some funny parts, but at an hour long, I kinda wonder off and start playing Angry Birds on my phone. This week the Idiot guy travels to Mexico to see the Chichen Itza.

Bob's Burgers: I'm just glad this show made it to Sunday night on Fox instead of another Seth McFarland show. I used to love Family Guy, but now I only find American Dad worth watching. Bob's Burger is funny.. and Jon H Benjamin is hilarious.

53rd Annual Grammy Awards: Ugh... does anyone watch award shows anymore? I'm going to turn it into a drinking game. Everytime you see Ke$ha and feel sorry for her, take a drink!! I'm gonna be trashed.

That midget got rocked...

Video after the jump

 There's two reasons why Mexican TV is better than most other countries: Insanely hot girls as TV hosts and their no holds bar destroying of little people in wrestling. That little guy went flying!

Now I don't know if the plan was for that guy to go flying head first into that other guy, but the aftermath of all that tells me no. And that lady towards the end of the video...   She's apparently cheering for the death of the little gorilla. Mexicans are hardcore.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

What's on Tonight? 2/10/2011

Community: My favorite comedy show on right now. Last weeks episode was hilariously about Dungeons and Dragons, so I don't know if that can be topped. But this week focuses on Troy and Abed trying to get with the College Librarian. And of course, Alison Brie..   she's so hot. Hit the Jump for some of my favorite GIFs of her.

Archer: Thursday is packed with too many good shows! This weeks episode has Archer finding out he has a baby with a Call Girl. If you have yet to watch this show, download season 1 and start watching! Funniest cartoon show ever.

The Big Bang Theory: This show is horrible. It's the reason my grandma now uses language like "pwned" and "uber". We need a petition to get this show off the air. Damn you CBS!

Zooey Deschanel developing a pilot for TV?

Zooey Deschanel may be joining her sister Emily on Fox with her own TV show. Apparently, the pilot of the show is called "Chicks and Dicks" and is about the comedy surrounding men and women's sexual politics.

Sounds like it's another show with girls in mind, but I love Zooey's sarcastic attitude too much to pass it up. Plus she completely reminds me of Katy Perry...  without the boobs.

I swear, Katy Perry is the porn star version of Zooey Deschanel. I'd like to see the two of them go at it in a movie...  Hollywood can have my wallet if they make that happen.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Whats on Tonight? 2/9/2001

Modern Family: This show has lost some of it's comedic value for me since the first season, but let's face it... I mainly watch it for Sofia Vergera.

Human Target: The season finale! Tonight Chance finds out who killed his bosses husband. I'm sure they will also through some heavy romance in for the ladies. 

American Idol: I don't watch it. It's on...  I hate it.

Justified: Season Premier. One of the best shows on last year. All the women are hot on it too, so that's a good reason to watch if you get bored with drama.

Nic Cage Terror Alert

I saw this the other week and still can't get stop laughing at it. Nic Cage is really one of the worst actors in Hollywood right now. I'm not sure how he keeps getting movies. He's the same guy in every movie!!

Starting out

So another entertainment blog, huh? I thought the interwebs could use another one. What's to be expected of this site you wonder? Well, First and foremost I follow TV shows. I am an avid watcher of most good shows on TV and am always actively looking for new ones to watch. I will attempt to list good shows that are on that night and give them my view on why you should watch them or not.

I will also have movie information as well as minor news or videos around the web to keep everyone entertained.

And, of course, if you have any suggestions, feel free to send them my way.